Fashion in Hats: Western Hat of the 19th and 20th Centuries

Exhibition place:Textile Conservation Gallery, China National Silk Museum

Exhibition time:2021.12 - 2022.3

Hats, as the accessory of clothing, not only have the practical functions of keeping out the cold, sun, rain an d protection, but also play an important role in decoration. The exhibition sorts out the hats fr om NSM colletion, an d reprodeuces the modern style of western fashion hats in the 19th an d 20th centuries by exploring the historical background, artistic features, category functions an d bran d stories of fashion hats. Are you excited in wan dering of the hats? Then come an d tick out this exhibition.

cowboy hat, 20th century

cowboy hat in detail

decorative hat with peacock feather, 1820s

cloche hat, 1920s

round cap, 20th century

round cap, 20th century

round cap, 1920s

round cap in detail

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