Programmeof Conference
Dialogue with Silk between Europe and Asia:History, Technology and Art
Nov 30 (Thu)
Opening ceremony, presider: Feng Zhao
9:30-9:35 Xavier de la Selle: Welcome speech
Panel 1: France, presider: Maria Menshikova
9:35-9:55 Claire Berthommier & Xavier de la Selle:The history of silk industry in Lyon
9:55-10:15 Feng Zhao: Distribution of the Jacquard loom
10:15-10:35 Dominique Cardon: Silk dyeing in MedievalEurope: Sources, Sourcing
10:35-10:45 Q& A
Panel 2: Archaeology, presider: Dominique Cardon
11:00-11:20 Yang Zhou: New findings on origins of silk
11:20-11:40 Dode Zvezdana: Archaeological textiles andthe problems of dating and cultural attribution of funerary complexes
11:40-12:00Sim Yeon-ok: A study of Geum silkfrom Seokgapagoda in Bulguksa
Opening speech,presider: Feng Zhao
12:10-12:15 Jean-Dominique Durand
12:15-12:20NataliaWagner: Speech of UNESCO representative
12:20-12:25Feng Zhao
12:30-12:45Group photography
12:45-13:30 Lunch
Panel 3: Museum collections, presider: Baichun Zhang
13:30-13:50 Mei Mei Rado: Russian Silks at the Qing Court: Circulation, Function, and Influence
13:50-14:10 Jialiang Lu: French silks in ChinaNationalSilkMuseum
14:10-14:30 Maria Menshikova: “Dragons of DisgustingAppearance” on the Orthodox Casula Robe c.1700 - a Rule or Exception
14:30-14:40 Q& A
Panel 4: Asia, presider: Claudio Zanier
14:55-15:15 Bingzhang Zhong: Restructuring ContemporaryValue of Traditional Techniques of ShuBrocade in Cultural Change
15:15-15:35Hui Liu: Chinese Brocade with linked-Pearl Pattern from 6th Century to 8th Century
15:35-15:55 Xin Cai: The art of silk patterns in Liao,song, Xixia and Jin Dynasties under the collision and fusion of variouscultures
15:55-16:15 Yusen Yu: Silk as Painting Support in theTimurid-Turkmen Periods: A New Practice of Art in Fifteenth-Century CentralAsia and Iran
16:15-16:35Q& A
Dec 1 (Fri)
Panel 5: Art of silk on the Silk Road, presider: HelenWang
9:00-9:20 Le Wang: Motifs on the silks found in Palmyra
9:20-9:40 Francina Chiara: Paisley pattern in textiles:A mark in movement along the Silk Road
9:40-10:00 Susanne Lervad: The projectfrom Denmark
10:00-10:20 Wei Chen: The Transition under Emperor’sEnthusiasm: The Sinicization of Tapestry in Song Dynasty
10:20-10:30 Q& A
Panel 6: Silk exchanges between Europe and Asia, presider:Dode Zvezdana
10:55-11:15Claudio Zanier: Early Chinese influence onsilk cultivation and silk production in Europe
11:15-11:35Germán Navarro&Ricardo Franch: The silk routes in the history ofSpain and Portugal: an international congress held in Valencia
11:35-11:55 Toshitaka Matsuura: History ofInternational interchanges of silk-reeling technology: China, France and Japan
11:55-12:15 Michele Canepa: Trip of Italian people in Japanbetween 1855 and 1870
12:15-12:40Q& A and closingremarks
12:40-13:50 Lunch