Northern dynasties (386-581 A.D)
L51cm, W137cm
This 2-4 figure weave on a 1/1 tabby ground has alarge pattern of 54.5cm, which allows but for a single warp repeat at loomlength while the weft repeat is 20cm. This unique pattern of two intertwineddragons, found so far only in this particular textile, has three sections. The mainsection is in the middle where a deity is seen sitting with crossed-legs on aplatform, holding a right-over-left hand posture and wearing a crown offlowers. Many images of deities similar to this one can be found on textilesfrom Qinghai. Originally from India, these deities are known as “deva” in Sanskrit.Franked by two flower carriers this Deva appears on top of a pair of lions andphoenixes. Three characters (great wealth) are placed between the lions. On bothsides of the dragons are lotus platforms with figures on top and the characters(kindness) underneath. Although the motifs used such as the dragons andcharacters are Chinese in style, the deity is not native to China, indicatingforeign influence resulting from cultural exchanges along the Silk Road. (XZ)