Jingluntang Foundation Travel Grant Application for 3rd IASSRT symposium, Buyeo, Republic of Korea

Guidelines to applicants:

1. The Grant aims to provide financial assistance for specially invited keynote representatives, retired or independent, young scholars and students to participate in 3rd IASSRT Symposium “Silk Road Textiles: Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage” to be held from Nov.5 to Nov.10, 2018 in Buyeo, Republic of Korea. Successful applicants have to attend the technical sessions of the symposium and in person to receive the fund which will be distributed on the first day of the symposium.

2. Successful applicants are required to submit the information about their flights and airfare to the host no later than July 30, 2018, and all the flight tickets will be purchased by the host. Please note the actual amount of the grant will be determined by the host. It is not expected that these grants will cover all costs of attending the symposium. Applicants should obtain additional funding from elsewhere, if necessary.


3.  Successful applicants will get support on the cost of the international roundtrip airfare, i.e. from the nearby international airport to Seol. They are required to make travel insurance arrangements before leaving for Korea. 


4.  Grant recipients are expected to participate and make a 15-minute illustrated presentation in the symposium, and a post-conference report from each recipient is required as a condition of receiving grant.


5.  Your application must reach the host by email, post or fax by the closing date of May 30, 2018.

Download the application form

Jingluntang Foundation Travel Grant Application.doc

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